- Earthquake catalogs (chronological lists of date, origint time, location, and size) produced by UUSS are accessible in this section for the Utah and Yellowstone regions.
- Dates and times of earthquake occurrences are reported in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), interchangeable for most purposes with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). [How to convert to local time]
- The instrumental earthquake catalogs for both the Utah and Yellowstone regions can be accessed in either a standardized HYP71 sum format or a corresponding "comma separated values" (.csv) text file. [Explanation of the data and format]
- Magnitudes listed in the standard UUSS instrumental catalogs is either local magnitude (ML) or coda magnitude (MC). For catalogs listing earthquake size as moment magnitude (designated M or MW), see the Uniform Moment Magnitude Catalog for the Utah Region.
- The most complete version of the historical earthquake catalog of the Utah region is available as one of UUSS's Specialized Earthquake Catalogs.
- The standard UUSS instrumental earthquake catalogs have been loaded into the Advanced National Seismic Systems (ANSS) Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog (ComCat), for which customized search tools are available. To search for UUSS-located earthquakes, designate "UU" in the catalog option of the search.
- A map of earthquakes within and bordering Utah (1850 - 2016) can be downloaded here.